Our mission is to provide a diverse, challenging and professional curriculum of structured learning of the inerrant, infallible, theological and apologetic truths of the Word of God.
NDUT bases their philosophy of education on the theological certainty that the one true triune God has revealed himself to mankind in the Christian scriptures.
We provide all current and potential students a complete listing of all of the courses that we offer.
New Destiny University of Theology
“NDUT offers our students what I believe is the best opportunity to receive an accredited education in Biblical Studies, Pastoral or Theology.”
Dr. James M. Heard, President
Things to Know
NDUT is a community where you can be educated and nurtured in your Christian faith. We are committed to teaching God’s Word. NDUT not only teaches God’s Word, it teaches it as the inerrant, infallible and God breath in its strongest sense.
NDUT bases their philosophy of education on the theological certainty that the one true triune God has revealed himself to mankind in the Christian scriptures.